Portfolio Companies
Since 2012, our SEIS funds and EIS funds have made over 250 investments into 68 companies, with 56 still in the portfolio. We invest up to £150k of seed funding into SEIS companies, and typically up to £300k of EIS follow-on funding (click here to learn about the SEIS and EIS schemes and their tax reliefs). We also regularly give our fund investors the opportunity to make their own follow-on co-investments at our monthly presentations.
Many of our companies are located in and around Oxford, so that our UK team can get actively involved with assisting them during their early years. Beyond that, our only portfolio constraint is that each company must incorporate genuinely novel science or technology: we invest in "proper" start-ups that can disrupt existing sectors or even create whole new ones. The SEIS and EIS schemes offer significant downside protection and loss reliefs to de-risk these opportunities.
For full descriptions, progress updates, and current valuations of our portfolio companies, please see our Latest Quarterly Report.
New Investments (since Q4 2024)
Existing Portfolio
Chambertech wants to reduce the duration (by half) and increase the efficiency of
treating heart arrhythmia.
Active Needle is addressing the problem of needle placement in ultrasound-guided procedures with their proprietary precision targeting technology

Designer Carbon Material is producing endohedral fullerenes (hollow spheres of carbon atoms) containing a single atom of another element, for quantum computing applications

Theraport develops engineered exosomes to improve and transform drug delivery.
The company previously named Lightpoint.
The company is developing technologies which can detect cancer in real time, by using existing radio- pharmaceuticals. This will reduce the need for repeat surgeries and improve patient outcomes.

Animal Dynamics is adapting the techniques and structures of animals to create more efficient vehicles. SEIS shareholders secured a 14x after tax return.
No Longer in the Portfolio

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